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Impact on Policies and Society

CENSE has been consolidating a remarkable impact, working at the interface between science, society and policy processes, and taking its responsibility to society very seriously. Several CENSE researchers have established robust links with policy, society and the market. CENSE senior members have been appointed or invited to participate in relevant national and EU policy processes, coordinating studies or integrating policy support committees, panels or advisory boards in the areas of energy, water, circular economy, ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation, climate mitigation policies and green tax reform (e.g. Portuguese Green Tax Reform Commission; National Council for Environment and Sustainable Development, Advisory Council of the Regulator for Water and Waste Services; EU/China cooperation initiative on Water & Air Challenges and Opportunities and EU/Mexico on Innovative Mechanisms for Financing Biodiversity Conservation).

For example, the research developed by CENSE in mapping and valuation of Ecosystem Services (ES) in the scope of the EU FP7 project OpenNESS has resulted in invitations to participate in policy debates to inform the National Strategy for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity and the National Land-Use Policy Program. An association of nature tourism operators that was involved in the local case study developed in Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Natural Park has started a new project incorporating knowledge about ES in its strategy development, with the collaboration of CENSE. Recently, CENSE members were invited by the Ministry for Environment to coordinate an inter-university team to develop policy instruments to remunerate ES provision in Portugal.