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CENSE members have long been thought leaders in environmental and sustainability management, first in Portugal, and now internationally. They have developed analytical tools, supported policy-making, and were present in first tier international forums, both at the European and Global level.

One of the most important contributions from CENSE is its role in education, shaping the minds of a significant number of undergraduate and graduate students that are now sustainability innovators and leaders in a diverse set of organizations all over the World.
CENSE has always cherished the social and economic valorisation of the knowledge produced by engaging in knowledge transfer activities and encouraging the development of spin-off companies for market uptake of research outputs. Several such companies have already emerged as a result of CENSE’s activities in the past years. 
CENSE has been consolidating a remarkable impact in science-policy interfaces, providing evidence-based recommendations to policymakers, as well as collaborating in formulation and evaluation of environmental and sustainability policies across multiple scales.
CENSE has been steadily strengthening its scientific production, both in terms of quantity and impact. Various contributions of CENSE members to the scientific community standout.