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Paula Guedes, a post-doc at CENSE, highlighted at CMTV

Paula Guedes, a post-doc at FCT NOVA and IQTB NOVA, was featured in the program Falar Global -GPS-Global Portuguese Scientists in the Portuguese channel CMTV. 

As a doctoral student at FCT NOVA, Paulawent to China, Spain and Denmark to carry out research work on electrochemical remediation of polluted soils. Her expertise also took her to the United States on the scope of e.THROUGH a EU or H2020 project coordinated by Professor Alexandra B. Ribeiro (CENSE - FCT NOVA). For the post-doc studies, Paula is developing electrochemical processes coupled with the exploitation of fungi as biocatalysts.   

GPS-Global Portuguese Scientists is an online platform that invites Portuguese scientists to put themselves on the map, promoting contacts and recognition. The network, with little more than one year of existence, has 3998 members, 2036 mapped scientists, 5203 locations and 94 countries.