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[CfP] Consumer Conference 2021


CENSE is one of the partners of the Consumer Conference 2021, with the theme of Sustainability Consumption, organized by NOVA Consumer Lab (NOVA School of Law), which will be held online between 21st - 22nd April 2021

The World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as that which "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". The way we consume may threaten the Humanity's goal of achieving true sustainability, and throughtout the years our consumption patterns have been responsible for harmful emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as fos continuous pressure on available natural resources. The predicted world's population growth may contribute to the worsening of this scenario.

A paradigm shift requires that we continue to explore how to make our consumption more sustainable and to act accordingly. Recently, the European Commission launched a New Consumer Agenda, which considered the green transition as a priority in EU consumer policy [2]. Other initiatives seem to be moving in the same direction. The Concumer Conference, will align itself with this idea and, in particular, discuss on the transformations already in place, or the ones which are still necessary, in our economic system, in out policies and regulations and in the consumption of energy, water and food.

We call on interested researchers to present their projects and papers on the Consumer Conference, in one (or more) of the topics of the Conference:

  • Circular Economy Consumer
  • Law and Sustainability Consumption
  • Consumption of Energy, Water and Food

For each paper, authors must provide an abstract (limit of 200-300 words) by February 5th. A full paper (limit of 8000 words, excluding reference list) must be submitted by April 16th. The best projects will be invited to participate in a research panel of the Consumer Conference. Information regarding articles publication will be provided at a later stage.

To submit abstracts and full papers please send an e-mail with identification (name and affiliation, if any) and the abstract/paper in "word" and "pdf" formats, to the following address:


  • Submission of abstracts: 5th April 2021
  • Submission of full papers: 16th April 2021